After a decade of coaching women on the internet, I took over two years off from 2021-2023.
Taking two years off from anything is a really long time.
Truthfully, I lost a lot of momentum (I don't regret the time away as I had some amazing adventures; these are just the facts). I went from 3k Instagram followers to having a little over a hundred today. I went from whipping out emails and blog posts in a matter of minutes to staring at a blank screen for thirty minutes trying to figure out what to say to the internet (maybe postpartum brain is to blame a bit, ha!).
Running an online business requires a certain skill set that doesn't necessarily come naturally to me. The actual coaching part comes very naturally, but not the business side.
Truthfully, I was very frustrated in the beginning. I didn't want to go through the painful learning process again. But that's how you achieve your goals.
I love helping women get healthy and live adventurous lives. If I want to do that in this...