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8 Surprising Habits to Lose Weight & Balance Hormones

Uncategorized Sep 04, 2024

When people think about losing weight, they usually turn to intense cardio, drastically cutting calories, or eliminating entire food groups. While these strategies often result in short-term weight loss, they are rarely sustainable and often leave individuals back at square one.

In my community, we focus on building daily habits that lead to sustainable weight loss and balanced hormones. If you spot a Summit Fitter in the wild, you might find them...

  1. Sitting in the sun
  2. Taking a nap
  3. Going for a morning walk
  4. Savoring a cup of coffee
  5. Reading a book in a hammock
  6. Playing with their kids, phone-free
  7. Setting boundaries with screen time
  8. Discovering small adventures in everyday life

So, how do these habits lead to weight loss and healthy hormones? They regulate the nervous system, keeping you calm and collected. Traditional diet and fitness protocols often leave us feeling exhausted, anxious, discouraged, and miserable as we strive toward our goals.

A calm and collected individual is less likely to overeat and more likely to make healthier food choices.

On the other hand, an unregulated nervous system can manifest as anxiety, constant hurry, overwhelm, poor sleep, digestive issues, irritability, irregular cycles, infertility, and chronic stress.

A stressed-out person doesn’t make wise choices, and their body responds with a barrage of symptoms, urging them to SLOW DOWN.

Join the Adventure Habit Hub and start implementing the 6 Power Habits TODAY to calm your nervous system. Learn how to lose weight without overwhelming your body with traditional diet and fitness protocols.

Stay Adventurous,



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