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How to Get Strong Without Exercise

  You might be wondering why a health coach is writing a blog post about not exercising. Before you toss your running shoes and dumbbells in the trash, let me explain.

This isn’t a post telling you to stop exercising, but rather to rethink how you approach exercise.

We don’t have an exercise problem in this country—we have a sedentary problem. The issue isn’t that we don’t exercise enough; it’s that we don’t move enough in general.

To help clarify, let’s look at the definitions of exercise and movement:

  • Exercise: Activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness.
  • Movement: An act of changing physical location or position.

Until now, have you ever considered that your challenge might not be a lack of exercise, but rather a lack of general movement necessary to maintain strength, flexibility, and overall fitness?

For example, as I type this blog post, I’m sitting on the ground at...

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