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How to Get Strong Without Exercise

  You might be wondering why a health coach is writing a blog post about not exercising. Before you toss your running shoes and dumbbells in the trash, let me explain.

This isn’t a post telling you to stop exercising, but rather to rethink how you approach exercise.

We don’t have an exercise problem in this country—we have a sedentary problem. The issue isn’t that we don’t exercise enough; it’s that we don’t move enough in general.

To help clarify, let’s look at the definitions of exercise and movement:

  • Exercise: Activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness.
  • Movement: An act of changing physical location or position.

Until now, have you ever considered that your challenge might not be a lack of exercise, but rather a lack of general movement necessary to maintain strength, flexibility, and overall fitness?

For example, as I type this blog post, I’m sitting on the ground at my floor desk. I’m also baking a loaf of sourdough bread that has been fermenting overnight. During this process, I’ve had to get up and down from the floor at least four times to tend to the bread.

By choosing to sit on the ground instead of in a chair, I’m incorporating deep squats, stimulating my spine and core as I maintain posture, and engaging in hip rotation as I alternate positions while typing.

In my monthly membership, Adventure Habit Hub (AHH!), we’ll dive deep into the topic of ground movement during September. Along with a video masterclass I’ll be teaching, you’ll receive a movement guide with video links, a ground movement bingo card, and a group challenge designed to help you integrate more ground movement into your routine and build a strong body—even if exercise isn’t currently on your radar.

If getting down to the floor isn’t an option for you, don’t worry! There are always ways to modify and work towards your goals, no matter how distant they may seem. In the membership, you’ll have direct access to me and the Summit Fit community, so if you need more modifications than what’s provided in the materials, you’re just a post away from getting tips, tricks, and all the answers you need.

If you consider yourself an avid exerciser but struggle to sit on or get up from the ground comfortably, it’s time to reconsider how you move. You’re going to love the paradigm shift I’ll guide you through. Don’t miss out on locking in the $12 monthly membership this month—this is the only time it will be offered at that price.

Plus, I’ve created a fun Get Strong Without Exercise Cheat Sheet to help you get creative with how you move throughout the day.

Stay Adventurous,


P.S. Make sure and join me over on Instagram where I share my day-to-day routines on how I integrate natural movement into my routine! 




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