Start your Summit Fit Academy course today to get your roadmap to fat loss, all-day energy, and an adventurous lifestyle. 



I'm ready to get fit for adventure!

This course is for you if...

  • You have tried "everything" but the weight just won't come off
    (or you keep gaining it back)
  • You feel tired more often than not.
  • You struggle to stick with things and are desperate for a sustainable solution.
  • Your weight or overall health is holding you back from living life to the fullest and often hinders your day-to-day activities.
  • You've tried every program out there but have nothing to show for it.
  • You often avoid pictures and want to feel confident in your skin.
  • You lack motivation and want to feel energized to live life to the fullest.
  • You like the idea of being more active, but previous workouts have left you dreading exercise.
  • You want to be inspired by a community of women who would rather spend the weekend camping than at the spa.
  • The thought of hiking, biking, kayaking, camping, or other outdoor adventures sounds amazing, but you feel too mentally and physically drained to get started.
  • You're ready to make a lifestyle change and put yo-yo dieting behind you.
  • You tend to follow through and have more motivation when participating in a group program vs. doing a course on your own.
  • Even though you lack motivation, you're ready to put in the effort to feel your best.
I'm ready to get strong & energized!

Just 8 weeks in and my days are full of energy, I am stronger and my body shape is beginning to show it, I have confidence in my ability to build a plate that will fuel my adventure."



Let's Get Summit Fit!

"Rachel's course will end your search for another diet and fitness program"

Start your course today!

Don't take my word for it. Let my students speak for themselves...


"I've been able to climb mountains, travel the world solo and make it through devastating losses where I would have turned to emotional eating & bad habits. Instead, my Summit Fit mindset & habits have been my biggest strengths to carry me through all the obstacles and so many adventures."
"My latest physical showed a 30 pound weight loss and I was not longer pre-diabetic. I have energy, fit into my clothes, feel great, and spend time outside enjoying nature and my life more that I ever have. The Summit Fit lifestyle is how I live now and how I will live for the rest of my life. Thank you Rachel and Summit Fit for teaching me how to live my best life!"
"Summit Fit is the "program" I have been looking for for my entire adult life. I hesitate to call it a program because what it really is far surpasses a program. Summit Fit will end your search for a health and fitness program.
In 8 weeks:
    I have learned how to break my addiction to bad carbs and replace them with appropriate amounts of good carbs. Sugar cravings no longer rule my days!
    I have learned what foods my body needs to heal and perform optimally-- so I can enjoy my life and have the energy to find adventures. In the past month I have started learning to long board and have purchased a horse, because I finally feel enough good to desire challenges and adventure.
    I have learned how to implement a movement/exercise program that doesn't overtax my body, but does challenge it in a way that feels good and gives me results. I can do a "real" push-up for the first time in my life!
    I have learned that my "all or nothing" approach is folly and is sabotaging my wellness; Rachel teaches progress over perfection and the value of "just showing up." Missing a workout or two and eating treats no longer threaten to discourage me to the point of quitting! 
Just 8 weeks and my days are full of energy, I am stronger and my body shape is beginning to show it, I have confidence in my ability to build a plate that will fuel my adventure, and I have many other tools in my arsenal for holistic wellness and I plan to use the for a lifetime!
Thank you Summit Fit!"
 -Adrienne F. 

What have I gained??? The knowledge and tools I need to continue on my new healthy lifestyle journey NOT diet. I now have the energy for my 2 year old after a long day on my feet. I no longer have back pain every morning from how I sleep. I no longer have bladder pain which I've lived with for 10+ years. My complexion has improved not to mention the pants sizes I've dropped. I could go on and on. If you feel like you've teed everything and A. Aren't getting anywhere or B. Feel like your on a fad diet then do what I did and JUMP.”


“5 lbs down + 9 inches lost and have gained so much! Probably the biggest take away for me is that I learned I CAN make a healthy, active lifestyle work as a busy, working mom. Probably the biggest surprise for me was that I learned just how BAD I am at resting, and how vital that is for my health and my spirit. I now have a framework for success and I'm so grateful for that, Rachel Meyer! Thanks, ladies for all of the encouragement along the way. Truly inspired by your commitment and stories of success!!”


“I feel the healthiest and strongest I ever have in my life!  Thank you Rachel Meyer for creating this program and thank you ladies for all your encouragement along the way!”


“The Summit Fit Challenge has given me the best start to any of my pregnancies. It has challenged me and pushed me, but best of all it has given me the CHOICE as to whether I eat sugar or not. Rachel- breaking the chains of sugar slavery!”


“Simply put: Thank You, Rachel. Thank you for listening to the calling God had for you to help those who need your talents. Thank you for starting your journey towards health and leading others on that same journey. Thank you.”


The results are in! 7lbs down! My body didn't change this much when I spent 5 months training for a marathon last year.


“Rachel, your workouts are challenging but super fun! Your expectations are challenging but completely realistic. The group format has been a wonderful accountability platform and it's so fun to see women coming together to better themselves. You've created a wonderful program that will set so many women up for continued success. It's a lifestyle that is worth living!”


Hi Rachel, I just want you to know that I'm sure that I'm the oldest (66) in the group. I haven't posted because I'm not very comfortable with technology. I love all the comments & pictures that everyone has posted. I want you to know that I'm eating raw sauerkraut & plain yogurt everyday, & love it. I have been huffing & puffing in my home gym to the tune of a few groans. I had chicken & spinach sausage for the first time today. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, & helpful ideas for healthy meals. What a wonderful ministry!”


"I’m trying to figure out what to wear for date night tomorrow because EVERYTHING is too big.” - Kayla


“This is one thing I love about your program. You understand the female body and flex the plan to fit what's going on. I don't feel guilty for eating more carbs because you have taught us to listen to our bodies. This is a huge piece missing from other programs. Growth over guilt.”


“This girl, Rachel Meyer, is incredibly smart, passionate, gifted, and over all amazing. I am apart of her Summit Fit Challenge group this month and I want to encourage anyone who is on the fence, SIGN UP for her next group!! You won't be disappointed! It does require time and effort but I can tell you from experience you will see a change right away. You are apart of a wonderful community filled with encouragement and support. There is no magic pill or daily shake... it's all about balance and fueling your body with proper nutrition in accordance with your workouts. The research and time she has put in is beyond words and is evidence based. The nutrition component for me has always been lacking but this has opened my eyes and has helped me realize what my body craves and needs. 
- Amanda

"I am a homeschool mom to 3 beautiful girls, wife, daughter, sister, nurse, and friend and I have struggled a good portion of my life with migraines, poor self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. The 6 daily power habits, goal setting, and finding a sense of adventure inside of myself has helped me overcome those strongholds in my life. I am living a much more free life now and I now feel empowered and so alive. SummitFit has literally changed my life and I will forever be grateful!"

Hey, I'm Rachel. 

I'm not just here to sell you another "online fitness program" and then send you on your way.

I'm a veteran health & weight loss coach of 10+ years who's going to be taking this trek with you every step of the way.

I'll be present with you every single day in the exclusive Facebook group answering your questions while also motivating & encouraging you with daily posts.

Nothing lights me up more than seeing my students go from tired & unhealthy to energized & adventurous. 

I'm going ALL THE WAY TO THE SUMMIT with you, so don't sign up if you don't want to be held accountable to reaching your goals. 

I'm a mom of three, wife, hiker, backpacker, pull-up fanatic, black coffee snob, & novice trail runner. When I'm not coaching students you can find me adventuring in the mountains with my hubby & kiddos.

And last but not least, Jesus is my King and the One who inspires everything I teach in my courses. 

Even if you don't do this challenge, I'd love to get to know you on Instagram. Come say hi!

Stay Adventurous,


Learn how to build a plate of food for all-day energy & fat loss

Losing fat and feeling energized has everything to do with what your plate is missing. Learn what you need to be adding to your plate rather than taking away to eliminate junk food cravings, get lean and have more energy than you did when you were a kid. The 6 Power Foods Plate will single-handedly end your battle with yo-yo dieting. 


Build lean muscle & become stronger than ever for all of life's adventures

Rachel's students have used her workout programs to train for skiing, backpacking, paddle boarding, hiking, running, carrying toddlers on their backs through the woods, and so much more. Learn how to look and feel your best for all of life's adventures without the hassle of a gym membership or an exercise science degree.  

Adopt habits you'll still be doing when you're 90. 

Rachel's famous 6 Power Habits system is going to add adventure to every corner of your life. If drinking coffee on your morning walk, going camping and backpacking, listening to podcasts, baking sourdough bread, paddle boarding at sunset, and learning other life skills sounds fun, you will fit right in with the Summit Fit Tribe and never look back on dead-end dieting to get healthy.  

What does the program include?


  • Direct Access to Expert Coaching with Rachel: Connect with Rachel through an exclusive Summit Fit Facebook community. Ask questions anytime and get them answered within that group or on the comment section of the online course. 
  • Lifetime Access to the 8-Week Summit Fit Academy Course: This course includes educational videos, cheat sheets, handouts, and more, so you know exactly how to eat, exercise, and live to lose fat, gain all-day energy, reverse chronic health issues, and live a life of adventure along the way.
  • Lifetime Access to Rachel's Master Meal Prep & Recipe Guide: This guide includes 80+ recipes with more added each week indefinitely.
  • Daily Workout Schedule: Workouts accommodate all fitness levels, require minimal equipment, and can be done in 30 minutes.
  • 8-Week Meal Plan: Follow a comprehensive meal plan designed to support your fitness and health goals.
  • Supportive Group Atmosphere: Enjoy the accountability of a group atmosphere! 
  • Opportunity to Join the Exclusive Summit Fit Monthly Membership: After completing the challenge, you'll be eligible to join this membership for ongoing support and education.




Frequently Asked Questions